Distinguished Research Professor of Political Science, UCLA

Ph.D. students' publications


Barnhart, Joslyn (Ph.D., 2013). 

"Status Competition and Territorial Aggression: Evidence from the Scramble for Africa." Security Studies 25, 3 (2016): 385-419.
“Humiliation and Third-Party Aggression.” World Politics 69 (July 2017): 532.568.
 The Consequences of Humiliation: Anger and Status Threat in International Politics. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 2020.

Brawley, Mark R. (Ph.D., 1989). 

Liberal Leadership: Great Powers and Their Challengers in Peace and War. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1993.
"Regime Types, Markets, and War: The Importance of Pervasive Rents in Foreign Policy." Comparative Political Studies 26 (July 1993): 178-197.
"Political Leadership and Liberal Economic Subsystems: The Constraints of Structural Assumptions." Canadian Journal of Political Science 28 (March 1995): 85-103.

Cetinyan, Rupen (Ph.D., 1997).  

"Strategy of Ethnic Conflict: Rational Choice in Ethnic Organization and Politics." Ph.D. diss.
“Ethnic Bargaining in the Shadow of Third-Party Intervention,”International Organization, 56 (Summer 2002): 645-677.

D'Lugo, David (Ph.D., 1994).  

"The Relative Cost of Power: The Role of Factor Endowments and Comparative Advantage in the Wars of the United States, 1941-1973." Ph.D. diss.

Gates, Andrea (Ph.D., 2002).  

Promoting Unity, Preserving Diversity?: Member-state Institutions and European Integration. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2006.

Goldstein, Judith Lynn (Ph.D., 1983, co-chair). 

"The Political Economy of Trade: Institutions of Protection." American Political Science Review 80 (March 1986): 161-184.
"Ideas, Institutions, and American Trade Policy." International Organization 42, 1 (1988): 179-217.

Gottfried, Matthew (Ph.D., 2014, co-chair). 

"The origins of consequences of public opinion in coercive terrorist crises." Ph.D. diss.
"Does Terrorism Pay? An Empirical Analysis" (with Max Abrahms).Terrorism and Political Violence 28, 1 (2016): 72-89.
"A Preference for War: How Fairness and Rhetoric Influence Leadership Incentives in Crises" (with Robert F. Trager). International Studies Quarterly 60, 2 (2016): 243-257.

Gronich, Lori Helene (Ph.D., 1991). 

"Expertise, Naivete, and Decision-making: A Cognitive Processing Theory of Foreign Policy Choice." Ph.D. diss.

Gurantz, Ron (Ph.D., 2014). 

"Crisis bargaining and war initiation before a domestic audience." Ph.D. diss.
"Fear, Appeasement and the Effectiveness of Deterrence” (with Alexander V. Hirsch). Journal of Politics 79, 3 (July 2017): 1041-1056.

Hasen, Richard L. (Ph.D., 1992, w/J.D., 1991). 

"Efficiency Under Informational Asymmetry: The Effect of Framing on Legal Rules." UCLA Law Review 38 (December 1990): 391-408
"The Efficient Duty to Rescue." International Review of Law and Economics 15 (June 1995): 141-150.
"Clipping Coupons for Democracy: An Egalitarian/Public Choice Defense of Campaign Finance Vouchers." California Law Review 84 (January 1996): 1-59.
"Voting Without Law?" University of Pennsylvania Law Review 144 (1996):

Hody, Cynthia Ann (Ph.D., 1986). 

The Politics of Trade: American Political Development and Foreign Economic Policy. Hanover, N.H.: University Press of New England, 1996.

Kagotani, Koji (Ph.D., 2010, co-chair).

"Military Alliances, Regional Trade Agreements, and the Politics of Compliance." Ph.D. diss.

Kessler, Alan (Ph.D., 1999).

"International Trade Theory, Domestic Coalitions, and the Political Economy of Immigration Control." Ph.D. diss. 
”Support for Extreme Right-Wing Parties in Western Europe: Individual Attributes, Political Attitudes, and National Context” (with Gary P. Freeman). Comparative European Politics 3, 3 (2005): 261-288. 
”Public Opinion in the EU on Immigration from Outside the Community” (with Gary P. Freeman). JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 43, 4 (2005): 825-850. 
”Political economy and migration policy” (with Gary P. Freeman). Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 34, 4 (2008): 655–678.

Kim, Myung Chul (Ph.D., 2016).

"Nuclear Learning: Nuclear Coercion and the Proliferation Dilemma." Ph.D. diss. 
“Why Nixon Used Nuclear Coercion During the Vietnam War.” Korean Journal of Defense Analysis 32, 4 (2020): 583-599.

Kurizaki, Shuhei (Ph.D., 2007, co-chair). 

"The Logic of Diplomacy in International Disputes." Ph.D. diss. 
"Efficient Secrecy: Public versus Private Threats in Crisis Diplomacy."American Political Science Review 101 (August 2007): 543-558.

Lawson, Fred Haley. (Ph.D., 1982, co-chair). 

The Social Origins of Egyptian Expansionism During the Muhammad 'Ali Period. New York: Columbia University Press, 1992.

Legro, Jeff (Ph.D. 1992, co-chair).

"Military Culture and Inadvertent Escalation in World War II."International Security 18 (Spring 1994): 108-142. 
Cooperation Under Fire: Anglo-German Restraint During World War II. Cornell Studies in Security Affairs. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1995. 
"Culture and Preferences in the International Cooperation Two-Step."American Political Science Review 90 (March 1996):118-137. 
"Which Norms Matter? Revisiting the "Failure" of Internationalism."International Organization 51, 1 (1997): 31-63.

Levin, Dov H. (Ph.D., 2014). 

"When the Great Power Gets A Vote: The Effects of Great Power Electoral Interventions on Election Results." International Studies Quarterly 60, 2 (2016): 189-202.
“Partisan electoral interventions by the great powers: Introducing the PEIG Dataset.” Conflict Management and Peace Science 36, 1 (2019): 88-106.
“Voting for Trouble? Partisan Electoral Interventions and Domestic Terrorism.” Terrorism and Political Violence (2018): 1-17.
“A Vote for Freedom? The Effects of Partisan Electoral Interventions on Regime Type.” Journal of Conflict Resolution 63, 4 (2019): 839-868.
Meddling in the Ballot Box: The Causes and Effects of Partisan Electoral Interventions. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020.

Lobell, Steven E. (Ph.D. 1997).  

"Second Image Reversed Politics: Britain’s Choice of Freer Trade or Imperial Preferences, 1903-1906, 1917-1923, 1930-1932.”International Studies Quarterly  43 (December 1999): 671-694. 
“The Grand Strategy of Hegemonic Decline: Dilemmas of Strategy and Finance.” Security Studies 10 (Autumn 2000): 92-119. 
“The Hegemon’s Paradox: Britain’s Choice of Cooperation or Punishment Prior to World War I.” Review of International Studies 27 (April 2001): 169-186. 
The Challenge of Hegemony: Grand Strategy, Trade, and Domestic Politics.  Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2003.

Nelson, Chad (Ph.D., 2014). 

”The Evolution of Norms: American Policy toward Revolution in Iran and Egypt.” Journal of Human Rights 16, 4 (2017): 494-515.
”Revolution and War: Saddam’s Decision to Invade Iran.” Middle East Journal 72, 2 (2018): 246-266.
Revolutionary Contagion and International Politics. New York: Oxford University Press, 2022.

O'Neil, Siobhan (Ph.D., 2014). 

"Dealing with the Devil?: Explaining the onset of strategic state-terrorist negotiations." Ph.D. diss.

Papayoanou, Paul (Ph.D., 1992).

"Interdependence, Institutions, and the Balance of Power: Britain, Germany, and World War I." International Security 20 (Spring 1996): 42-76. 
"Economic Interdependence and the Balance of Power," International Studies Quarterly, 41 (1997): 113-140. 
Power Ties: Economic Interdependence, Balancing, and War. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1999.

Peritz, Lauren (Ph.D., 2015, co-chair).

"When are International Institutions Effective? The Impact of Domestic Veto Players on Compliance with WTO Rulings." International Studies Quarterly 64 (2020): 220-234. 
Delivering on Promises: The Domestic Politics of Compliance in International Courts. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2022.

Rudolph, Christopher (Ph.D., 2001).

"Globalization and Security: Migration and Evolving Conceptions of Security in Statecraft and Scholarship." Security Studies 13 (Fall 2003): 1-32. 
"Security and the Political Economy of International Migration.American Political Science Review 97 (November 2003): 603-620. 
National Security and Immigration: Policy Development in the United States and Western Europe Since 1945. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2006.

Shurtz, Robert L. (Ph.D., 2001, co-chair).

"Monarchy and War: An Inquiry into the Effects of Domestic Politics on International Relations." Ph.D. diss.

Skålnes, Lars S. (Ph.D., 1993).

"Grand Strategy and Foreign Economic Policy: British Grand Strategy in the 1930s.” World Politics 50 (July 1998): 582-616. 
Politics, Markets, and Grand Strategy: Foreign Economic Policies as Strategic Instruments. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2000.

Steele, Cherie J. (Ph.D., 1995, co-chair).

"Altered States: Innovation, Power and the Evolution of the International System." Ph.D. diss. 
"Trading Up and Trading Down: The Impact of Technological Change on the International System." In Peace, Prosperity, and Politics, pp. 213-234. Edited by John Mueller. Series on The Political Economy of Global Interdependence. Boulder: Westview, 2000. 
"Communications Revolutions and International Relations (with Arthur A. Stein). In Technology, Development, and Democracy: International Conflict and Cooperation in the Information Age, pp. 25-53. Edited by Juliann Emmons Allison. SUNY Series in Global Politics. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2002.

Stulberg, Adam N. (Ph.D., 1996, co-chair).

Well-Oiled Diplomacy: Strategic Manipulation and Russia's Energy Statecraft in Eurasia. Suny Series in Global Politics. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2007.

Swango, Dane (Ph.D., 2009).

"The Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty: Constrainer, Screener, or Enabler?” Ph.D. diss.
"The United States and the Role of Nuclear Co-Operation and Assistance in the Design of the Non-Proliferation Treaty.” The International History Review 36, 2 (2014): 210–229.

Trenholm, Kristin (Ph.D., 2001).

"How States Arm: Alliances and Economic Development as Determinants of Arms Sales and Military Technology Transfers.” Ph.D. diss.

Wang, Wei-I (Ph.D., 1999).

"Arms and allies: the production and exchange of military capabilities." Ph.D. diss.

Weber, Katja (Ph.D., 1992).

"Hierarchy Amidst Anarchy: A Transaction Costs Approach to International Security Cooperation." International Studies Quarterly 41 (1997): 321-340. 
Hierarchy Amidst Anarchy: Transaction Costs and Institutional Choice. SUNY Series in Global Politics. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2000.

Willard, Melissa (Ph.D., 2011).

"Planning the Peace and Enforcing the Surrender: Deterrence in the Allied Occupations of Germany and Japan." Journal of Interdisciplinary History 40, 1 (Summer 2009): 33-56.
Toppling Governments: The Logic of Regime Change. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018.